Re: [ox-en] collecting our body of knowledge
- From: Michael Bouwens <michelsub2003>
- Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 23:00:50 -0700 (PDT)
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Dear Franz:
I think that I have made substantial progress to such a 'freepedia'. As an example, here's a review of the open models. I could do the same under the heading participatory/peer/commons. The P2P Encyclopedia is already quite a fount of documentation:
From my point of view, I would be very happy if people from Oekonux could contribute, making this better. It is by all means a freepedia, an open access and open content encyclopedia, which everybody can join, especially people in the Oekonux mode.
Contributors could co-brand the entries under the Oekonux label, and we could create a separate topical 'Free Modes Concepts', which could me mirrored on the Oekonux site. (I don't know myself how this would technically work though). Another possibility is to add a 'Oekonux Perspective' subheading to the existing entries, where the precise relationship of the concept, within the Oekonux framework, could be explained.
Here's what I'm looking for:
- one or more maintainers for such a Free Modes Concepts page
- someone checking Wikipedia for existing articles on such topics, to which we could refer
- someone working on interlinking and cross-referals with already existing Oekonux material
- topic experts ameliorating existing topics
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Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada> wrote: list-en writes:
Why not do something similar with the Oekonux body of knowledge, and
cross-referencing our mutual insights, as a start from an even broader
effort with other partners?
thats what I suggested since long time and which I wanted to achieve at
the 3rd Oekonux conference in Vienna.
something like a FreePedia, an encyclopedic collection of Free Modes or
peer production in all fields of human endavours.
Maybe that would be the thing to go for.
(actually there is a on the web but in a lousy state and no
one knows what it contains)
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