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Re: [ox-en] Re: Business opportuities based on Free Software

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Dear Christian: I'm sending the draft separately to your personal email.
  The blog and the P2P News carry mostly different content, but there is  some overlap. P2P News is a 'consolidated' newsweekly, organized around  certain topics, so it is less current, as publication may await a  special issue on a topic. Also the newsletter are conceived as emergent  wholes, where the newsletter as a totality makes sense.
  A blog is more ad hoc publication, if something strikes my fancy at the  moment, but I may sometimes republish news items in the blog, or the  other way around,
  Michel Bauwens

Christian <christian> wrote:  Hi Michael,

All the information about the wikipedia governance process is available
for those who want to know about it, as has been demonstrated by the
links sent to this mailing list. Most people are fine with it because
the wikipedia has demonstrated that it works, for most of the things,
most of the time. Skewed processes can be tackled. The next issue of  P2P
News, published next weekend, will cover a number of these issues  such
as: 1) white male bias 2) monarchic leadership; 3) the  semi-protection
clause; 4) problems between editors and domain experts.

  If anyone wants an advance draft, let me know,

I'm interested in reading a draft.

BTW, I knew of your nice blog [], but "P2P
News" are new to me - are they just a different distribution mechanism for
the same content, or yet another source of information?

Best regards

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