[ox-en] Oekonux introduction in Wiki
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 18:02:36 +0200
Hi Oekonuxis!
As I promised a couple of times I finally put the Oekonux introduction
into the Wiki during the last two weeks:
As of now the Wiki pages reflect the state of the introduction on the
static pages:
This is the state of the introduction several years ago, however.
During the last year I thought about a lot of things which need adding
to the introduction. Some things are older which just didn't make it
into the introduction yet. Some things are from recent debates on this
list. Starting next week I'll begin updating the introduction with
what I gathered so far.
I tried to set this up as an international / multi-language project.
There are translations to German and Italian which have been created
for the original pages. Translations of new pages and of changes in
old would be most appreciated of course. Also translations to other
languages are appreciated very much (please contact me so we can set
this up properly).
Part of the multi-language approach is that discussion of the content
pages should happen on common `/Talk` pages. Though English is
understood probably by most potential readers not everyone can express
him-/herself well in English. So contributions to the `/Talk` pages in
other languages than English are welcome and even more so are (rough)
translations of such contributions so everyone can learn from them. I
don't know whether this will work. It's an attempt to cope with the
multi-language problem in the Wiki and I'd kindly ask to try it out.
Mit Freien Grüßen
Please note this message is written on an offline laptop
and send out in the evening of the day it is written. It
does not take any information into account which may have
reached my mailbox since yesterday evening.
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de