Re: [ox-en] comments to constitutions
- From: Markus <markus>
- Date: Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:37:42 +0200
hello again,
someone said that this is an open source list and has not much to do with
arts. i partly agree, but im still having troubles on focussing on the
thing that is most interesting to the recipient. regarding vn, people on
this list might be more interested in the open source and economic aspects
of vn.
OPEN SOURCE COURSE and Creation of tutorials for Openoffice
first, our foundation is promoting suited open source applications
(initially openoffice) among younger people. in order to achieve this we
are going to organise an openoffice course at universities which is
embedded into the profun team tournament. More detailed description of the
course/discipline is here
Apart from promoting oo, one important goal of the course is a systematic
production of (useful) tutorials for openoffice: the exam of the course is
the creation of a WINK animation/tutorial illustrating the functionalities
of the "funcy" list (Lecture plan). a wink animation is very simple to
make. the lecture plan is a "funcy list": a list of the 128 most useful
functions in oo each func(tioanlit)y has an associated value depending on
the steps that are necessary to make the functionality (Example:,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,16/Itemid,58/).
In this respect, we are looking for people who want to work on a
didactically useful funcy list with functionalities grouped together (e.g.
how to make a table?). students who take the exam get a DVD as prize and
the oo community gets an illustrative tutorial.
one of the key aspects of vn is the way the community is governed. five
production and consumption forces have been identified and grouped
together in team beta tester. one of the core competences are important
economic decisions. i think the "democratic legitimisation" of payment
addresses the key issue of how to distribute money within the community.
when looking at mozilla, this is - imho - a serious shortcoming.
regarding economics and open source, the vodes micro reward system might
be of interest to open source communities. people who support the
foundation are rewarded according to the general reward formula
CV = LV * IV where CV is the remnueratio( 1 CV=0.1 Euro), LV is time that
is spend (1 LV = is 4 minutes) and IV the knowledge dimension (e.g. php,
language). basically, reward has two dimensions: time and knowledge. a
third dimension is being discussed now (personal motivation). This
dimension would allow for stimulating extraordinary efforts when doing the
in short, in combination with the "important economic decisions"
(example), the vodes system allows for a fair, equal and transparent
remuneration of time and knowledge investment. the value of work/vodes is
not determined hidden, by private negotiations, with unequal bargaining
powers but rather very transparent and "democractically" set by all
production and consumption forces with no prevailing fraction/party.
regarding price setting, novel at vn is the price setting mechanism. on
vn, the price is the outcome of an "internal bargaing poll" between all
production and consumption forces (subject to outside pricing pressure)
which are supposed to vote in the best interest of the individual agent.
Example for the price setting in the case of the personal line of code: in
a first step, if-o (supervisory board) looks into the actual costs (e.g.
how much costs the personal line of code? how much should the chairman
get?). Once costs has been estimated, if-o presents a price range and
team beta tester collectively decides on the final price. One can assume
that artists will generally vote for the highest and users generally for
the lowest option. at least in theory, however, there is a 60% independent
voting. imho, the main benefits of such a price setting scheme are
transparency and the democratic nature of the distribution process. i
believe this system would allow money to be reasonable added to open
source projects and it is an efficient tool to prevent that money
generation becomes the real goal.
EXAMPLE how VN DL works:
There is already one animation (matchmaking game; released under the vn digital
license.It is also a good example how the VN DL works: the creator of the
animation gets "x" euro (as VN tender-content; decided as important
economic decisions) once (s)he has made the work. tender-c are decided as
important economic decisions.
in addition, the artist receives a popularity-based income stream: It is
likely to assume that some people want to see themselv in the animation
together. revenues that the personalistion generates (via inserting the
picture of the player in the animation) go to the creator until (s)he has
earned the "economic return factor x" - the maximum a work can generate
for an artist (Art IV (b) VN DL). all money that is generated in exceeding
the economic return factor "x" goes into the demand gap filling fund. in
turn, the dgff is used to fund less demanded art via vn tender-content.
if four people on this list are coming to berlin and interested in
dicussing this thing a bit one of our members will come there to hear your
critisim, input and feeback. otherwise, we gladly attend the next
oekolinux conference. :)
Contact: projekt