Re: Open/Free project lists (was: Re: [ox-en] Free Maps)
- From: Michael Bouwens <michelsub2003>
- Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 21:37:21 -0700 (PDT)
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Can you define the difference between open and free? Sounds interesting.
Definition of free according to
uThe freedom to study and apply the information: The licensee must not be restricted by clauses which limit their right to examine, alter or apply the information. The license may not, for example, restrict "reverse engineering", and it may not limit the application of knowledge gained from the work in any way.
uThe freedom to redistribute copies: Copies may be sold, swapped or given away for free, as part of a larger work, a collection, or independently. There must be no limit on the amount of information that can be copied. There must also not be any limit on who can copy the information or on where the information can be copied.
uThe freedom to distribute modified versions: In order to give everyone the ability to improve upon a work, the license must not limit the freedom to distribute a modified version, as above, regardless of the intent and purpose of such modifications. However, some restrictions may be applied to protect these essential freedoms, as well as the requirement of attribution".
Definition of Open (forgot where that came from)::
uLegally Open
?Knowledge is legally open if it is free of most of the standard legal restrictions and requirements. In particular it should be accessible without restriction, reproducible freely (at least for non-commercial purposes), and reusable - that is, freely incorporatable in derivative works. In short, it should fall within the bounds of one of the Creative Commons licenses.
uSocially Open
?Social openness consists of ensuring that a work is made available and not kept secret or mouldering on a CD at the back of the drawer. It means supporting sharing and reuse as well as collaborative working processes.
?But most importantly it means an 'open source' approach to knowledge. That is, knowledge should be made available so that access is given to the raw, underlying data and not simply through a particular, usually limiting, interface
uTechnologically Open
?Technological openness requires that knowledge is provided in a form and format that does not unnecessarily hinder access to humans or machines. This can be achieved by utilizing data formats and tools that are open - meaning that a full specification is publicly available and unencumbered by legal restraints, and that access and use of the formats will not require proprietary tools or products (for more information on 'openness' of formats see the Information Accessibility Initiative).
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