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Re: [ox-en] Re: Free Software and free lists

Am 2 Nov 2006, um 8:53 hat Stefan Merten geschrieben:

No, Free Software can be bad of course - and a lot actually is. 
the process of Free Software allows for creating superior 
products. If
this would not be the case then we would not talk of Free 
Software at
all because proprietary products would not allow Free Software to
raise its head. Steven Weber has a lots of reasoning about this 
in his
book - ah, I guess I mentioned the book here already ;-) .

						Mit Freien Grüßen



Free Lists can be bad of course - and a lot actually are. But
the process of Free Lists allows for creating superior products. If
this would not be the case then we would not talk of Free Lists at
all because moderated Lists would not allow Free Lists to
raise its head. Karl Dietz has a lots of reasoning about this in his
lists - ah, I guess I did not mentioned these lists here already ;-) .
 						Mit Freien Grüßen

more than one month after the beginning of moderating ox-de


cc chox

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