[ox-en] [x-list] Solidarität GmbH - via keimform.de
- From: Karl Dietz <karl.dietz online.de>
- Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 18:18:33 +0200
there is a meeting on this project in hiddinghausen in may...
the group tries to transform the copyleft principles to the material world
the info is out of keimform.de a blog in german language.
s.mz from ox is there active. also benni a former active ox-folk and
christian who started the FG-wiki and thomas k. from coforum.de
so short. karl
cc x-list. feel free to join.
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [x-list] Solidarität GmbH - via keimform.de
Datum: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 22:12:51 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
Von: Karl Dietz <karl.dietz online.de>
Antwort an: x-list googlegroups.com
An: x-list googlegroups.com, wertkritik listi.jpberlin.de
Eine Übertragung des aus der Freien Software bekannten Copyleft
<http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyleft>-Prinzips in die stoffliche Welt
versucht die Gruppe » <http://solidaritaet-gmbh.de/>Solidarität GmbH
<http://solidaritaet-gmbh.de/>« <http://solidaritaet-gmbh.de/>.
via keimform.de
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