[ox-en] Open movement Definition
- From: Markus <mgs vodes.net>
- Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 13:13:51 +0200
something some of you might be interested in: We are looking for a
definition for “Open Movements” for our constitution. “Open movements” is
one of the core terms in our statutes. For instance, § 3 lit (a) uses the
term as the goal of the VN Foundation (which is to promote open
movements). Further, § 8 sec 3 lit (c) outlines the rights of the
interest fraction-openmovement. in this context, perhaps most importantly,
the core right of members of the interest fraction-om is to suggest to the
management projects which should get on the voding option list. The voding
option list contains the projects VN, or more precisely, its donators and
sponsors, can fund. The nice thing about voding options is that it allows
people/donators/members to distribute their membership fee/donation
directly on projects/voding options they want to support. In other words,
the sender can to a high degree determine the recipient/project. Imv, this
direct P2P funding scheme does away with a whole lot of potentional for
abuse regarding incoming money.
Right now, the definition in §2 Z 2 of “open movement” is:
“Herstellende Interessensgruppierungen welche gekennzeichnet sind durch
ein geringes Mass an Kommerzialisierung (open source, creative commons
sowie Wikipedia) und wessen Produkte leicht ohne vorherige Zustimmung
des(r) Werkschaffenden abgeändert werden können.”
Roughly translated into English:
“Producing interest communities which are characterised by a low level of
commercialisation (open source, creative commons, Wikipedia) and whose
products can easily be modifified without prior consent of the creator.”
Any suggestion for an openmovement definition is welcome.
Basically, VN is “owned” by five such interest fractions (“production and
consumption forces”) grouped in Team Beta Tester. “Owned” means that each
interest fraction has a theoretical 20% voting influence regarding the
*) distribution of wealth (§ 10 important economic decisions),
*) long term/strategic direction of the community (§ 11 fundamental
questions) and
*) measuring level of (dis)satisfaction of the 5 interest
fraction/assessing the performance of management (§ 12 performance polls).
Constitution (1.6.8; in German only at this point):
Comments: http://www.vodes.net/rev/btforum/index.php?topic=152.0 (need to
be registered to comment)
Voding Options: http://www.vodes.net/vodingoptions (in alpha stage)
friendly greetings,
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de