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Re: [ox-en] Open movement Definition

Markus wrote:

something some of you might be interested in: We are looking for a
definition for “Open Movements” for our constitution. “Open movements”
is one of the core terms in our statutes. For instance, § 3 lit (a) uses

That's funny. You decide to use that term, even as a 'core' term, and
only then wonder about how best to define it. Shouldn't it be rather the
inverse ?

Right now, the definition in §2 Z 2 of “open movement” is:

“Herstellende Interessensgruppierungen welche gekennzeichnet sind durch
ein geringes Mass an Kommerzialisierung (open source, creative commons
sowie Wikipedia) und wessen Produkte leicht ohne vorherige Zustimmung
des(r) Werkschaffenden abgeändert werden können.”

Roughly translated into English:

“Producing interest communities which are characterised by a low level
of commercialisation (open source, creative commons, Wikipedia) and
whose products can easily be modifified without prior consent of the

(I don't think 'interest communities' is a good translation for

I'd be very careful about linking openness to the degree of commercialization.
While I believe this to be a very interesting topic in its own, I'm not ready
to postulate any such correlation. May be the primary goal isn't commercialization,
but that doesn't mean the results (the products) aren't commercialized.

I'd rather describe Open Communities (of the kind you are looking for) by their
socio-economical and organizational structure: What are the primary interests
of its members ? How is the collaboration (e.g. division of labour) organized ?

Even the changeability of the products isn't directly related to this, I believe.
Free Software is certainly a precondition for Open Source Software (as a process),
but doesn't enforce it. (A context in which Stefan Mertens ones used the term
'doubly-free software'.)

Basically, VN is “owned” by five such interest fractions (“production
and consumption forces”) grouped in Team Beta Tester. “Owned” means that
each interest fraction has a theoretical 20% voting influence regarding the

Why is the 'production force' different from the 'consumption force' ?
That sounds like a major limitation, compared to FLOSS.



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