[ox-en] Re: Oekonux and class struggle
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan.meretz hbv.org>
- Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 21:47:43 +0100
jumping into:
On 2008-02-05 01:30, Michel Bauwens wrote:
I'm curious to know more about your concept that class struggle does
not apply.
Class struggle as a means of historic progress does not apply. There is
class struggle, of course, however these are capitalism-immanent
conflicts. In my view they are necessary (being a unionist), but they
don't have anything to do with overcoming of capitalism. Nothing.
Certainly I would agree that the old socialist way of framing
politics is no longer operational. But that doesn't change that
people have different sociological and structural positions in a mode
of production, not just in capitalism, but before and presumable, for
a long time after.
True. But does it write history? There is an alternative approach:
history ist the history of different forms of fetishism.
Start here: www.meretz.de
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