hi michel,
take this:
*Local Production, Local Consumption Peer-to-Peer Architecture for a
Dependable and Sustainable Social Infrastructure*
Saito, K.; Morino, E.; Suko, Y.; Suzuki, T.; Murai, J.;
Applications and the Internet Workshops, 2007. SAINT Workshops 2007.
International Symposium on
Jan. 2007 Page(s):58 - 58
Peer-to-peer (P2P) is a system of overlay networks such that
participants can potentially take symmetrical roles. This translates
itself into a design based on the philosophy of local production, local
consumption (LPLC), originally an agricultural concept to promote
sustainable local economy. This philosophy helps enhancing survivability
of a society by providing a dependable economic infrastructure and
promoting the power of individuals. This paper attempts to put existing
works of P2P designs into the perspective of the five-layer architecture
model to realize LPLC, and proposes future research directions toward
integration of P2P studies for actualization of a dependable and
sustainable social infrastructure
<http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/srchabstract.jsp?arnumber=4090127&isnumber=4090057&punumber=4090056&k2dockey=4090127 ieeecnfs&query=4090127%3Cin%3Earnumber&pos=0>
| Full Text: PDF
Michel Bauwens schrieb:
The page is not accessible from here in Thailand, any chance of
getting the abstract?
On Feb 13, 2008 4:26 PM, Thomas Berker <berker airpost.net> wrote:
"Franz Nahrada" <f.nahrada reflex.at> skrev:
disccouraging that it is not freely available. I am angry because its
not the fitting pattern.
Franz, don't be angry:
Best, t
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