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Stefan Meretz wrote:
On 2008-04-11 10:49, graham wrote:that the US government has been systematically working to isolate any medium to large scale companies working with free designs.What do you mean by "isolate", could you explain? Ciao, Stefan
I haven't read the material yet, there is a huge amount of it, so I don't exactly know. In an email with it he implies a whole range of things, from the trade press told not to run stories about things, to commercial contracts with other companies being withdrawn, all done using the 'wartime technology controls' in force since 9/11. It's not just contracts with government he's talking about. But the author also says
" There are *LOTS* of rumors flying around (both here and abroad), so you have to take extra care to filter out valid information from misinformation and disinformation. Paranoia is certainly warranted at some level"
So I want to get more of an idea of the details first before increasing paranoia levels. Like Robin suggested, if it looks half way sane I'll think about passing it to GrokLaw.
Graham _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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