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Re: [ox-en] Re: "At Cost"

Stefan Meretz wrote:
Patrick Anderson wrote:
Profit disappears when Competition is Perfect, but Competition is
usually not Perfect, so Profit is usually not Zero.

Profit and Competition are inversely related, while Profit and
Monopoly are directly related.  A Perfect Monopoly would enjoy
Infinite Profit, right?

OMG, Patrick, this is simply wrong! What are saying here?

This is wrong?  In what way?

This is very standard economics as far as I can tell.

For instance:

If profit and competition are not inversely related, then what is
their relationship?

If profit and monopoly are not directly related, then what is their

If you owned the only well in the middle of a desert, wouldn't you be
able to charge me an infinitely high price?

If I had 50% ownership of that well, wouldn't I be able to drink "at
cost", without paying profit?  If not, then who would I pay the profit

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