[ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of social economy and peer production"
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 14:55:47 +0200
Hi list!
I'm invited to the `10th RMLL`_ which is going to happen in Nantes.
This is a five day conference which - AFAICS - takes place `every
year`_ in a city in France. I know too little French to say much about
this conference but it seems to be a - may be: the - big Free Software
conference in France.
The organizers invited me for the track `Économie Sociale et
Solidaire`_ :-) . I'll do a talk on `Social economy or peer
production? - On the relationship of social economy and peer
production`_. In fact a topic which is nearly as old as Oekonux.
For me this is a welcome reason to think more thoroughly about this
important topic. I started doing some research on the topic -
especially to clarify the notions of "social economy" and "solidarity
economy". I started some slides_ already. So far only the headers are
present, though.
In any case I more than welcome thoughts and ideas from all of you on
this topic.
.. _10th RMLL: http://2009.rmll.info/
.. _every year: http://2009.rmll.info/-Les-RMLL-.html
.. _Économie Sociale et Solidaire: http://2009.rmll.info/-Economie-Sociale-et-Solidaire-.html
.. _Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of social economy and peer production: http://2009.rmll.info/Social-economy-or-peer-production.html
.. _slides: http://en.wiki.oekonux.org/StefanMerten/SocialEconomyOrPeerProduction
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de