Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
- From: "Franz Nahrada" <f.nahrada reflex.at>
- Date: Sat, 23 May 2009 20:02:37 +0200
Hi Stefan,
I forward your letter to Andreas Exner and others heavily involved in the
Solidarity Economy.
We founded a group SOLCOM - Solidarity and the Commons - to deal with
exactly that subject.
You give a lot of definitions on your wiki,
so we should read and
comment that, and hopefully support you in the endavour to bring
the role of the commons and peer production into the field.
There are three principal concepts that play a role in this field. These
concepts are complementing and competing at the same time:
SOCIAL ECONOMY: This refers to everything that adresses poverty and
raises opportunity, many times its the term for the activities of NGOs
performing activities of the social state and act as employers and service
providers. Thats very much within the "state quota" of indirectly financed
SOCIAL BUSINESS: In sharp distinction this is the answer of the private
sector, small or medium sized or large enterprises that try to address
of poverty or meeting needs on a profit based base, with the caveat that
or all of the profit gets reinvested in the companies. Grameen Mohammed
Yunus is now pushing that concept
SOLIDARITY ECONOMY This is the only transformative concept, it aims
to establish productive and supportive activities between actors,
in a region, that empower and enable as many players as possible to take
functions in an economic network of relations which could be monetary or
You should know that the people above are involved in the creation of
free software tools to map solidarity economy - and these are just some
of them.
----- Original Message -----
Hi list!
I'm invited to the `10th RMLL`_ which is going to happen in Nantes.
This is a five day conference which - AFAICS - takes place `every
year`_ in a city in France. I know too little French to say much about
this conference but it seems to be a - may be: the - big Free Software
conference in France.
The organizers invited me for the track `Économie Sociale et
Solidaire`_ :-) . I'll do a talk on `Social economy or peer
production? - On the relationship of social economy and peer
production`_. In fact a topic which is nearly as old as Oekonux.
For me this is a welcome reason to think more thoroughly about this
important topic. I started doing some research on the topic -
especially to clarify the notions of "social economy" and "solidarity
economy". I started some slides_ already. So far only the headers are
present, though.
In any case I more than welcome thoughts and ideas from all of you on
this topic.
.. _10th RMLL: http://2009.rmll.info/
.. _every year: http://2009.rmll.info/-Les-RMLL-.html
.. _Économie Sociale et Solidaire:
.. _Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of social
economy and peer production:
.. _slides:
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de