Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
- Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 21:29:19 +0200
Hi list, Andreas, all!
Last week (10 days ago) Stefan Merten wrote:
Last week (7 days ago) Stefan Merten wrote:
Please find below a half-cooked version of the first half of the
Here is the third quarter about "Commonalities and differences". This
is probably the most interesting one. Comments are welcome of course.
Below is the final quarter.
I also made some changes in the earlier parts. I think the most
important insight I gained from this work is summarized in this slide:
Summarizing commonalities and differences
* Some common goals and structures
* Because of that the left gets interested in peer production
* Major differences go deep
* Openness is precondition instead of limitation
* Selbstentfaltung instead of political will
* New mode of production instead of supplement to capitalism
* Most significant: Relationship to capitalism
* *Repairing* capitalism as a *goal* for social / solidarity economy
* *Replacing* capitalism as a *means* for peer production
.. highlights::
Though goals and some structures are similar the differences are
Im particular the aspect
* Most significant: Relationship to capitalism
* *Repairing* capitalism as a *goal* for social / solidarity economy
* *Replacing* capitalism as a *means* for peer production
seems to me like *the* central point.
Again I'm grateful for comments.
I hope that someone finds my work useful. At least it was useful to me
because now I have a much better understanding on this somewhat
complicated relationship.
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Overcoming capitalism
Target groups
* So far: Analysis of the relationship between social / solidarity
economy and peer production
* Now: Considerations about ways to improve society effectively
* Two target groups for this section
* People in social / solidarity economy most interested in improving
* People in peer production interested in political effects
Fundamentally different approaches
|Topic |Social / solidarity |Peer production |
| |economy | |
|Means and |*Repairing* capitalism|*Replacing* |
|goals |is a *goal* |capitalism is a |
| | |*means* |
|Origin |Political will and |Needs of people |
| |awareness |and ability |
| | | |
|Mode of |Capitalist framework |Capitalist |
|production |is kept and repaired |framework is |
| | |replaced |
|History |Old approach with |New approach based|
| |little effect |on contemporary |
| | |options |
|Actors |Marginal groups |Core groups |
| | | |
| | | |
Suggestions for a long-term improvement
* Question: How does fundamental societal change come about?
* Answer: By a new mode of production
* Historical example: Shift from feudalism to capitalism
* Social / solidarity economy *is* necessary
* Retreat of the welfare state needs action
.. class:: handout
* Social / solidarity economy *no* perspective
* No way to overcome capitalist mode of production
* Peer production *is* the perspective
* Establishes a new mode of production
* This is the sustainable way to change society
* In general: Difficult
* Mind sets are very different
* Goals are very different
* Very few practical examples
* Social / solidarity economy can benefit from peer production
* Because commons are available for everyone
* Can peer production benefit from social / solidarity economy?
Contact: projekt