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Re: free vs. common (was: Re: [ox-en] A name for a peer-production-based society?)

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Diego Saravia<diego.saravia> wrote:
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2009/9/5 Stefan Meretz <stefan>

On 2009-09-02 03:21, Diego Saravia wrote:
free software or knowledge has nothing to do with "commons"

free soft are free goods, not common goods

the problem of using common goods is complety different to the
problem of freeing knowledge

What is the difference?


free resources are not scarse

you can duplicate software endlessly (if not copyright)

you cannot duplicate fish in a pond forever

Both are constrained by the physical sources required for hosting.

Neither software nor fish can exist unless hosted on a physical medium.

You might say software is silicon-based while fish are carbon-based.

In both cases here are real limits to the number of copies because of
the physical constraints of:

1. space: you can only store so many.
2. time: creating each copy takes more than 0 seconds
3. mass: each copy must reside on a mineral substrate.
4. energy: ultimately mostly the sun

The only real difference is in the speed at which the duplication can occur.

It is quite possible to allow fish to duplicate themselves
(self-unfold) to trillions of copies.

It is just as realistic to consider trillions of CDs or DVDs full of software.

In both cases there is no limit in potential, but there is a very
definite ceiling on the number of copies you can finally instantiate
into the physical world.
Contact: projekt

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