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Re: [ox-en] Commons in a taxonomy of goods

On 2010-06-17 01:11, Diego Saravia wrote:
economy is a social science,

you mean: a social process...

a good is not a good without society


all goods properties are social ones.

nope, temperature is a physical one, just for instance

I do not understand what do you want to say with this text:

"Scarcity is not a goods property, but a social form of goods to be
produced (namely: commodity)."

Goods are not scarce by its nature (like having a temperature). If they 
are produced as commodities, then they are scarce, because if they are 
not scarce, they will not besold. Thus scarcity is a social form of 
goods being produced as commodities.

If you have 5 apples and 6 persons, and every person want an apple
you can say that apples are scarce

No, the availability of apples may be limited at one time at a location. 
Limitedness and scarcity are two different things. If you need more 
apples, then more apples can be produced to overcome current 
limitations. However, if you produce apples as commodities, then they 
are scarce and none of the 6 persons wanting apples get one of the 
million apples being produced unless they exchange them with money. 
Scarcity is a precondition of being a commodity, thus a social form of 
products being produced as commodities.

so you need people and apples, its a social problem

That's what I say: The way of production is a social (societal) 

but I do not understand what this can mean in terms off clasical
goods clasification for you

Classical goods classification is inappropriate, as shown. They mix 
socially produced with natural properties.


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