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[Converted from multipart/alternative] [1 text/plain] economy is a social science, a good is not a good without society all goods properties are social ones. I do not understand what do you want to say with this text: "Scarcity is not a goods property, but a social form of goods to be produced (namely: commodity)." If you have 5 apples and 6 persons, and every person want an apple you can say that apples are scarce so you need people and apples, its a social problem but I do not understand what this can mean in terms off clasical goods clasification for you 2010/6/16 Stefan Meretz <stefan>
On 2010-06-16 23:00, Stefan Meretz wrote:economic goods could be rival/non rival and exclusive/non exclusiveAll goods can be rival/non rival and be made exclusive/non exclusive.I wanted to say: Not only economic, but all goods can be... This does not mean, that each single good can either rival or non rival. Here we have the difference to excludability: Rivalry is a goods property, exclusion is a social result. Ciao, Stefan -- Start here: _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
-- Diego Saravia Diego.Saravia NO FUNCIONA->dsa [2 text/html] _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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