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Re: [jox-tech] Re: Comments by outside people

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Hi all

I suppose in principle comments should be allowed everywhere? But would this account allow people to do other stuff as well or would it be limited to making comments?



----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Monday, September 20, 2010 6:47 pm
Subject: [jox-tech] Re: Comments by outside people
Cc: journal-tech

Hi journal techies and friends!

0 minutes ago Stefan Merten wrote:
6 days ago Mathieu ONeil wrote:
b) We still need to sort out how to enable comments by 
outside people (registration? what kind?)

The standard procedure would be to have an account and then be 
able to
comment. I'll elaborate on this on [jox-tech].

Each Plone item can be commented. This is a standard feature of Plone.
In addition you can control for each item whether it is 
commentable or
not. For this edit the item and go to the "Settings" section. 
There is
a check-box "Allow comments".

There are global settings for the different types of items where this
setting is preset for new items of this type (like say "Page"). 
At the
moment I switched off this global setting for all types but I can
switch it on again. In a way it's a matter of taste what the default
should be. For the productive mode of the site globally allowing
comments is probably better.

Please trigger me for whatever you prefer.



Dr Mathieu O'Neil
Adjunct Research Fellow
Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute
College of Arts and Social Science
The Australian National University
email: mathieu.oneil[at]

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