Re: [ox-en] It is time to talk about free software
- From: Elaine Tsiang <et>
- Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 10:19:14 -0700
On Thursday 17 October 2002 06:04 am, you wrote:
Hi Guzin,
On Thursday 17 October 2002 11:15, Guzin PESTIMALCIOGLU wrote:
a really nice paper! :-)
Some tiny bugs should be fixed:
"Linus Torvals" must be "Linus Torvalds", and "senmail" is "sendmail"
One question: What ist "dystopic"?
And one remark: This "dark version" (is that meant?) inspired by Virilio
has not much to do with your text before, however, it is announced as
"conclusion". This "lost of control" is IMHO not a realistic picture,
even -- or better: especially -- not with free software!
I believe the particular paragraph you are referring to is paraphrased, and
occasionally verbatim, from "Industrial Society and Its Future", by Theodore
Kaczynski, the Unabomber, without attribution. I have not read the original
myself, but the relevant passages are quoted in "The Age of Spiritual
Machines" by Ray Kurzweil. It is worthwhile to read the text by the original
author, as he makes a more cogent case for "loss of control".
I have been lurking on your list, but do not have the time at this point to
be engaged in it. However, I thought I would bring this to your attention.
Elaine Tsiang
Did you publish it in an online or offline magazine?