Re: [ox-en] johan
- From: Graham Seaman <graham>
- Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2003 18:22:38 -0500 (EST)
On Fri, 17 Jan 2003, MJ Ray wrote:
Graham Seaman <graham> wrote:
Do we need a full web set-up for this? Wouldn't cvs be enough?
Anyone got a cvs server on-line? ;-)
I suggest using a more ACID revision control system, such as Aegis or PRCS
(depending on your goal/scale). CVS is rather limited.
I wasn't thinking of putting the entire book together on it - just
handling a little list of essays while we chose which ones to work on. For
that, I would have thought cvs would be fine. Actually, it's only 16k so
I'm going to risk annoying people by sending it to the list. Until we
have the cvs, maybe we could do this - if people who have read the essays
listed edit a copy of the list to:
1. Add anything important I missed
2. Put something like <recommended/> or any other comments (format doesn't
matter) in any essays/talks/texts in the list they think are important to
have published (or alternatively, that should never be published ;-)
3. Mail it back to me (graham - NOT the list, or we'll
be drowning in multiple copies
And I'll collate the results...
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux basic text</context>
<author>Stefan Merten</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Gnu/Linux - Meilenstein auf dem Weg in die GPL-Gesellschaft</title>
<version lang="es">
<title>Gnu/Linux - Un hito en el camino hacia la sociedad GPL</title>
<version lang="en">
<title>Gnu/Linux - Milestone on the Way to the GPL-society</title>
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux basic text</context>
<author>Stefan Merten</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Nehmen statt Kaufen - Zur Wirtschaftsform der Freien Software</title>
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux basic text</context>
<author>Annette Schlemm</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Das Utopische Klo</title>
<version lang="es">
<title>El retrete utopico</title>
<article type="booklet">
<context>Oekonux basic text</context>
<author>Stefan Meretz</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>LINUX & CO. Freie Software - Ideen für eine andere Gesellschaft</title>
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux text</context>
<author>Stefan Meretz</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Zwischen Selbstverwertung und Selbstentfaltung</title>
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux text</context>
<author>Stefan Meretz</author>
<author>Annette Schlemm</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Zwischen Selbstverwertung und Selbstentfaltung</title>
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux text</context>
<author>Stefan Meretz</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Die doppelte algorithmische Revolution des Kapitalismus - oder: Von der Anarchie des Marktes zur selbstgeplanten Wirtschaft
<article type="essay">
<author>Christian Fuchs</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Die IdiotInnen des Kapitals: "Freie" Softwareproduktion - Antizipation des Postkapitalismus?
<article type="essay">
<author>Ernst Lohoff</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Die Ware im Zeitalter ihrer arbeitslosen Reproduzierbarkeit </title>
<article type="essay">
<context>Oekonux text</context>
<author>Stefan Meretz</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Produktivkraftentwicklung und Aufhebung Die - »Keimform-Hypothese« im Diskurs</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Brigitte Streicher </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Veränderung ohne Bewegung?</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Ralf Krämer </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Zur Politischen Ökonomie des Informationskapitalismus</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Graham Seaman </author>
<version lang="en">
<title>Free Hardware Design - Past, Present, Future</title>
<version lang="ru">
<title>Svobodnaya razrabotka xardvera - proshloe, nastoyashoe, budushee</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Andy Müller-Maguhn </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Netzvisionen und -realitäten</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Christoph Heinemann </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>divercity featuring modell O'Brien</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Hans-Gert Gräbe </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Von der Waren- zur Wissensgesellschaft</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Jörg Bergstedt </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Widerstand und Vision</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Florian Schneider </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>New Actonomy</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Norbert Trenkle </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Produktivkraft, kapitalistische Krise und gesellschaftliche Emanzipation</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Heinz Weinhausen </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Von Dämmebauern und Schiffebauern</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Stefan Meretz </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Wem gehört das Wissen?</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Robert A. Gehring </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Patentpolitik als Standortpolitik</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Helmut Dunkhase </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Kommunismus = Sowjetmacht + Internet</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Sabine Nuss </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Warum Freie Software dem Kapitalismus nicht viel anhaben kann</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Annette Schlemm </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Mein Nicht-Beitrag zum Oekonux-Workshop "Reibung erzeugt Wärme"</span></title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Holger Blasum </author>
<version lang="en">
<title>Demystifying intellectual property issues</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> H.J. Krysmanski </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Risse im Beton</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Wolf Göhring </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Wie kommen wir zu einer Tasse Kaffee?</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Werner Winzerling </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Vom vertikalen zum horizontalen Produktionsmodell in der Computerindustrie</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Franz Nahrada </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Globale Dörfer und Freie Software</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Kim Veltman </author>
<version lang="en">
<title>On the Links Between Open Source and Culture</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Wolf-Andreas Liebert </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Demokratisierung wissenschaftlicher Information</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Yann Guidon </author>
<version lang="en">
<title>The F-CPU Project</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Raban Daniel Fuhrmann </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>New Politics</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Stefan Merten </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>GPL-Gesellschaft - Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>1st Oekonux Conference</context>
<author> Peter Gerwinski </author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Geschichte und Philosophie des GNU-Projekts</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Stefan Merten</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Emanzipatorische Vision, Eigentum und Freie Software: Neue Annäherungen an ein altes Thema</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Michel Bauwens</author>
<version lang="en">
<title> Using peer to peer as the metaphor for the next paradigm</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Sebastian Stegner</author>
<version lang="de">
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<version lang="de">
<title>Revolutionäre Bildungsarbeit</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Rishab Ayer Ghosh</author>
<version lang="en">
<title>The FLOSS study: Socioeconomics of free/open source software development</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Andreas Tille</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Freie Software in der Medizin: Integrative Softwareumgebung für alle medizinischen Bereiche auf der Basis von Debian GNU/Linux </title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Bernhard Reiter</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Kommerzielle Freie Software</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Gregorio Robles</author>
<version lang="en">
<title> Libre Software Engineering: An alternative view of Software Engineering </title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Jussi Silvonen</author>
<version lang="en">
<title>Linux User Groups and 'Linux Community'</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>George Dafermos</author>
<version lang="en">
<title>Open Sourcing Innovation: A roadmap to socially-responsible, sustainable economic and technological growth</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Alan Toner, Jamie King</author>
<version lang="en">
<title>Commons, Criminalization, General Intellect and the Politics of Technology and Culture</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Marc Fiedler</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Die Musikindustrie auf dem Weg der Perversion ihrer Kernkompetenz</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Stefan Winkler</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Open Archives, Open-Access E-Journals und Preprint Server
Sind kostenlose Digitale Bibliotheken ein Ausweg aus der Zeitschriftenkrise?</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Graham Seaman</author>
<version lang="en">
<title>The Two Economies</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Roland Schnell</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Biogas-Nutzung und Freie Software</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<author>Uwe Müller</author>
<version lang="de">
<title>Projekt Hostsharing eG: Übertragung der Prinzipien Freier Software - Open-Source auf ein Wirtschaftsmodell übertragen, wie geht das?</title>
<article type="talk">
<context>2nd Oekonux Conference</context>
<version lang="en">
<title>Altruism in Cyberspace? The Voluntary Sharing of Goods On-line</title>