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Re: [ox-en] Pre-translations

On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Stefan Merten wrote:


Hi list!

Someone offered help for translation. However, his German is terrible
as he says and he needs a pre-translation from
`'. I tried this and saw it
only translates a rather limited amount of text. So for all the
Oekonux texts it is of little use without further work.

I'm now thinking about the option to split the texts up into pieces
small enough to be translated completely and to recombine these pieces
to - well, that's actually the question: Recombine them to what?

I could embed the (raw) English translation in the source of the texts
and provide a German and a (raw) English version of static HTML pages.
I could even provide a mixed version. I could also provide a mixed
OpenTheory project which would be best when mixed I guess. May be I
could set up a Wiki page somewhere with a mixed version.

What do you think? Would that be worth the effort? After all the raw
translation is really raw :-( . Especially the complicated language
I'm using in some text is really hard to translate - even for humans.

If you think it would be worthwhile which way would you prefer?
OpenTheory would be the easiest but Graham said he doesn't like it.
Perhaps you have other ideas?

The only reason I personally don't like opentheory for this is because
I don't like working with small chunks for translating. If what you have
actually  IS small chunks, opentheory sounds perfect :-)

Having the german and raw english close together is also good... Though
for me a raw english printout and a german printout together is fine;
no need to do a lot of work combining them on a website.


PS In explanation of my opentheory 'dislike': my usual way to do 
translations is:
1. Print entire document. Read. Read again, writing translations of
difficult words from dictionary onto printout.
2. Type complete rough translation. Print.
3. Sit in sun with beer, writing improved phrasing on top of rough draft.
4. Check revised written version against original.
5. Edit first typed version.

Only 2 and 5 involve being in front of a computer..

The opentheory method goes:
1. Read paragraph.
2. Type translated paragraph
3. Submit paragraph.
4. goto 1.

which completely misses out the 'sit in sun with beer' stage (I don't
have a laptop). :-( For those who have laptops, or who prefer to do a 
little often rather than a lot once, opentheory may be perfect. 

						Mit Freien Grüßen


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