[ox-en] Fwd: Call for Papers: CCC Camp 2003
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 21:13:58 +0200
Hi again!
One more date.
Mit Freien Grüßen
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Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2003 21:13:38 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED]
From: Frank Rieger <frank ccc.de>
Subject: [wos] Call for Papers: CCC Camp 2003
To: wos post.openoffice.de
Message-Id: <B00DB0C2-75BF-11D7-9DA6-0003939A0762 ccc.de>
Please distribute widely to interesting / interested people.
- ---
Call for Papers
Chaos Communication Camp 2003
The International Hacker Open Air Gathering
7/8/9/10th August 2003
near Berlin, Germany (Old Europe)
Papers are being solicited for the second Camp of the
Chaos Computer Club e.V., Germany, to be held near Berlin, Germany, on
7/8/9/10th August 2003. The Camp is intended to promote the interchange
of technical, social and political ideas and concepts to find ways to
make this world a little bit more friendly to intelligent beings.
The conference language is english, therefore all lectures and
workshops have to be held in english. For especially interesting
topics, a on-stage translation might be available, but this service
will be strictly limited to a few instances of special importance.
In general, all papers, lectures and workshops from the field of
technology, security, art, philosophy, politics and cooking are
welcome. We try, however to create a certain focus on a number of
topics that we regard as important for the near future. These are:
- - mobile phone security (e.g. OTA attacks)
- - distributed, cryptographical secure storage and peer-to-peer
networking technology
- - semantic web (xml, wsdl, rss and related technologies)
- - complex network attack methods, detection and defense
- - advanced wireless networking and security
- - autonomous systems and robotics
- - attacks on cryptosystems
- - even more ways of breaking biometry
- - Open Source Security (code audits and "who reads the open source
- - instant messaging
- - surveillance, wiretapping and crowd controll: state of the art
- - reengineering hands-on workshops and publication standards
- - using print on demand to enhance the availability of interesting
- - satellite imagery analysis for non-state actors
- - monitoring sat-feeds and other interesting sat-related stuff
- - groups that want to held special interest gatherings (like
coordination of a open-source software project) on the Camp are very
Philosophy & Politics:
- - over-analysis of the world and the resulting problems, interdepencies
and next-order complexities
- - power-politics and the economic roots of todays bizarre world
- - military vs. civilian R&D and the resultung moral problems
- - truth, trust, perception-management and propaganda
- - legal situation in relevant areas of interest
- - lobbying and influence politics
- - every creative use of modern technology in art is welcome
- - poetry, performances, music, DJs, optics, paintings, sculptures
- - movies, flash-films, animations and demo-competitions
- - there will be a camp radio station (both local broadcast and internet
streaming) that is looking for content, especialy radio drama and
Lectures are expected to be highly relevant in practice or better be
darn funny. Sales droids have been known to disappear without traces
on past events. Interactive Workshops welcome. Hands-On anything even
more welcome.
Abstracts and papers should be submitted in English to
content camp.ccc.de as soon as possible, latest on 1. July 2003 17:00
GMT. There will be a very limited number of slots reserved for
presentations covering stuff that happens between the submission
deadline and the start of the Camp, but we will be extremly
discriminate regarding the allocation of these slots.
The submission should inlcude references and URLs, a short biography
of the speaker, contact information (e-mail) and any time constrains or
preferences the speaker might have.
Notice of acceptance will be sent out as soon as possible. Final
presentations should be in English and be up to 60 or up to
120 minutes long, including a question-and-answer period. Followup
discussions and hands-on workshops are strongly encouraged, there will
be space for such activities available outside the main lecture tents
(if you dont prefer a nice sit-in on the gras in the sun).
As this is a non-profit event organised by non-profit organisation, the
will not be able to compensate travel costs let alone a
speaker honorarium. Well, maybe travel costs in a few cases. The event
is outdoor, that means you will need to bring a tent or camping car for
The preliminary agenda will be published on the web in
the near future. Registration information will be posted, too.
Attractive timeslots in the agenda might get filled up before 1. July,
so please dont wait too long with your submission.
- --
Wos mailing list
Wos post.openoffice.de
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