Hi Joel, hi list,
--On 25. august 2003 11:00 -0400 jrs295 nyu.edu wrote:
Since the topic of translation of the German documents comes up every so
often on the list, I've been wondering how to apply the ideas of free
software organization and peer-to-peer directly to the problem of
For example, would it be possible to have a system (such as a site
specializing in translation where different projects could post, or a way
of cataloguing material on different websites) where people who had texts
they needed to translate could give information on what subject matter
the texts are in, which language it's being translated from and to, which
items have higher priority, and so on; so that somebody interested in
translating could search through many different projects and find one on
a subject that is interesting to them?
Applying principles from Free Software development to translation (which,
yes, is desperately needed and not only for [ox]), I would draw different
conclusions. I don't think linking projects together through a system of
any kind (a website, a translation CVS, or whatever) will result in more
and better translations.
The importance of *intrinsic* motivation ranks high in every survey on free
software development. Meaning: The fun of programming meets the desire to
produce something useful. Thus, I would suggest that free-translation
projects most likely thrive when there is a sufficient number of
contributors who have a lot of fun translating texts. And I would not know
where to search for this kind of people. Translation as hobby? A community
of translation hobbyists? Difficult. A second problem might be that though
the result (the translation) is of course useful, it is not useful for the
translator. S/he is per definition able to 'use' the original text.
I am afraid that when these two cornerstones of FS motivation are lacking,
every kind of organisational/technical support does not harm, but is not
likely to help much either.
A few weeks ago, German media covered the case of a translation project for
the most recent Harry Potter novel, which is (was?) not yet available in
German translation. This seemed to work quite well. Indeed, here we have
lots of intrinsic motivation (high interest in every single sentence of a
Harry Potter book). Moreover, only contributors had access to other
contributions. Appearently this - eventually being able to read the whole
story in German translation - provided another important share of the
motivation - which is unfortunately not exactly compatible with the
principles of Free Software as it creates artificial scarcity.
But I would love seeing my scepticism to be proven wrong...