Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
- From: franz schaefer <schaefer>
- Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 11:02:13 +0200
hallo stefanMn
OK, I didn't understand from Stefan's mail that this issue was about the
Austrian Social Forum - I thought the references to the 'left' were to
some small old-style Trotskyist or Stalinist groups, not the movement of
which (in my opinion) we are a part.
Well, Franz Schäfer was proud that the last one "gathered the Austrian
as i explained before: the social movements are NOT identical with "the
left" (e.g. there are also christan groups there.) . but on the other hand
the important parts of "the left" gather there. not sure why you have this
problem with "left" and how it is important to be labled "neutral". you can
try to avoid the "left" label. but as soon as people see that oekonux wants
to change society way from the capitalist system to a system where there is
no private property on information and means of production, etc..etc. then
most people will give you the label "left" anyway. so why hide it in the
first place?
In the contrary I'd say: This is the
audience which is already actively approaching us. Why the hell should
we preach to the already converted - or may be the ones which seem
easily convertible?
On the other hand - as I wrote in the mail behind the link above -
IMHO this easy audiences would have cost us a lot.
But actually the Oekonux conferences so far have not been preaching
events anyway. They had a more internal attitude where Oekonux invited
people from all areas of human activity to tell about there doings to
bring the *Oekonux* discussion forward.
this is exactly your problem (i say "your problem" as it seems that most
people here do not share this stance.). you talk about "preaching" to this
people because you have this attitude that you are "so much above them that
they can not understand what people are talking about at oekonux. that they
could not contribute anything to oekonux"....
traditionaly many leftwing groups have shared this kind of arrogance and
"anvantgarde" attidude but later recognized that it does not do them any
good. so at least there would be this one thing you could have been this one
thing that you could have learnd at the social forum.
. Franz Schaefer GPG KeyID: CFA2F632
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