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[ox-en] Re: GPL Restrictive And Primacy of Contract

Hi Adam

Could this be turned in to a Freedom of Speech issue in the U.S.A. ?

You see here is my problem, or maybe our problem. Wea re lookign for answers within the liberal US framework but the more I delve into capital L Law in the US, in its late 19th century variants (the golden age of capital expanison) and its current variants (the golden age of expansion of 3rd capitalism) Contract and Property is far more important than rights such as freedom of speech or social/public good. If Eldred v Ashcoft tells us anything it is this. That is why I think Lessig etc re barking up the wrong tree if they think they can win that argument. They can go on about the founding fathers, liberty and free speech but they will be answered with founding fathers liberty, property and contract. you can discern this tendency I believe in the US Supreme Court and in international/financial and legal institutions. This blind faith in the primacy of contrcat and property and the "free" market: Remember the ideologues here really believe they are bringing freedom to the world by making them free to consume ... and what use is freedom of speech when property rights make it emaningless - on another tangent witness the recent stuff about electronic voting in the US. The electoral process is or may be beholden to property rights to such a degree that any fault (ie failing of democracy - Florida 2000 was just the start) in the system is impossible to rectify. Martin

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