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Hi! Today Stefan Merten wrote:
Find included a text I received a month ago (as .doc). I.e. it was quite before the actual WSIS. However, I think the text is nonetheless interesting because IMHO it reveals how little the civil society did grasp the concept of information society - just as the states. I mean every point in here could be made on any summit. IMHO only point 10 is really specific to the information society. The rest applies to industry society as well.
Note, that all this is a bit old. However, I'm sure the content did not change since that time.
The final declaration of the civil society can be found here At first glance I was right with my expectation. Mit Freien Grüßen Stefan _______________________
Thread: oxenT01772 Message: 2/2 L1 | [In index] | ||
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