[ox-en] Re: Software as society (was: Re: Documentation Standards was Re: [ox-en] UserLinux)
- From: Seth Johnson <seth.johnson RealMeasures.dyndns.org>
- Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 02:40:43 -0500
Niall Douglas wrote:
However, I recognise that it is as popular as it is because the legal
support for software is so lousy so the GPL looks attractive on the
surface. Patching up a leaky tire is one approach - far better is to
replace the tire.
Naah, the GPL is a mindfuck, especially for where you're coming from. The
GPL knows that "legal support for software" is lousy, because "legal support
for software" is **inherently** lousy. But as long as ya wanna try, it's
there so those of us who see this, can proceed on our merry way, because it
uses that lousy system on its own terms to serve our wishes.
It's basically a dare: "Go ahead; try to make a case against the GPL on the
basis of legal principle. If you do, we'll just show how silly the attempt
is to apply those principles to software." It will be quite fun to watch,
if and when it happens.
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