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* Ref.: »Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)« * magius (2004-01-17 11:27) Hi Magius,
Casimir Purzelbaum said:Free software shows, that economic activity is not bound to this structure and to those principles -- at least as long as there is a "reasonably stable economic basis" (Felix).A doubt: is FreeSoftware economy strictly dependent from "main" money-based capitalist economy? In other words, FS is a free "after-work" activity, cause there's also a "work" activity for the most of FS developers.
I'm not sure that I understand the direction of your question :-( But I would say that "FreeSoftware economy *today* is *indirectly* dependent on the 'main' money-based capitalist economy"... (No matter where the active FS-supporters get their money from, they do need it; in other words: today, a most significant part of the "material" basis of human life is produced in a capitalist way and can therefor only be "accessed in a capitalist way", i.e. "bought".) Cheers, Casi. _______________________
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