[ox-en] Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius WAS A CRIStmas Carol
- From: Adam Moran <adam diamat.org.uk>
- Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 05:49:03 +0000
Hi Listo,
i'm late, i'm late for a very important date .... ;)
I. Universal Field Theory
on 24-12-02 I wrote:
As I sit here "froze to the bone in my igloo home,
... counting the days to the ice turns green."
Its February and it has :)
I have hacked together
a story about Software, Economics and Politics - topics which I know we
all have in mind.
Good news - the hack works ! More feedback required ! [Happy Valentine]
Like the Dickens' story of the same name, this one is
authored with the intention of keeping our spirits warm in these dark
days; like his story the main character is haunted by ghosts.
Kind of Dickens' ... but more based the book of short stories by Jorge
Luis Borges *Labyrinths* - I was simply inspired by Niall's post of
06/12/03 23:42 which tells us a little bit of the history of the Irish
state. Borges in one of the short stories tells how the actors, in need
of a script, borrowed one from Shakespeare. I borrowed one from Borges -
Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius ;)
Modes of Production: Species and Genera
This bit is mine ... although massively inspired by concepts of
hierarchical structures and the text of Christine Di Stefano (Happy
Here's me making this mistake viz. hierarchy again:
their method is called Dialectical Materialism and it is not the property of the left - it is in the public domain - i think this method is appropriate for analysis of living organisms because it's why it was designed and it makes common sense; this is no doubt the reason why we are unconsciously using this method to produce FLOSS - the trick is now to be conscious of what we are doing already in the information kingdom and impose our telos in to the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms
Sorry about that; I must have had a stiffy at the time. [grin]
I'd like to refold my email of the 08/02/04 02:37 IV also, and go back
to where Niall got us to here:
What are the boundaries of the ecosystem in your mind ?
None. Just lots of ecosystems inside ecosystems within other
ecosystems which is as the universe is: fully recursive.
... and another ...
What are the boundaries of the ecosystem in my mind ?
Also none. Indeed my mind and your mind are inextricably linked and
the same, but also totally separate and different. The inevitable
consequence of recursion :)
This allows the *atom* to exist where ever ... and I'd like to put in
<big snip>
An information system is (maps 1-1 onto) an ecosystem.
</big snip>
... and just keep the 1-1 bit
... and using the Clean-Language flip
and then:
... go over here - Wow !
Didn't I write Tao was just around the corner ? ... and would you
believe that this group has made a start on the maths ! - I sense a
*Universal Field Theory* ... catching up on all the mombo-jombo same
old, same-old philosophy had got me thinking like an Ancient Greek ...
nearly forgetting 3 years of traditional theoretical physics - you know,
the stuff they teach in schools - duh !
We going to have some fun now ! ... and read how this group would fit in
with Auskadi's mumbles:
En-minding the Extended Body
We live in a dream world. With a small, rational part of the brain, we recognise that our existence is governed by material realities, and that, as those realities change, so will our lives. But underlying this awareness is the deep semi-consciousness that absorbs the moment in which we live, then generalises it, projecting our future lives as repeated instances of the present. This, not the superficial world of our reason, is our true reality. All that separates us from the indigenous people of Australia is that they recognise this and we do not. Our dreaming will, as it has begun to do already, destroy the conditions necessary for human life on Earth.
I'm not jossing - I'm spotting patterns all over the place ... which is
probably a good time to burn Borges out of his Labyrinth / Library, just
as Eco did in the Name of the Rose.
Emancipate the information,
Emancipate the history,
Emancipate the ecosystem,
Emancipate the Universe.
No more same old same-old.
Perhaps a metaphor ?
I don't know any more ? [eek - Grin]
II. Debugging / Demything
Genus : Zeus
"I still dream of organon - I wake up crying" Kate Bush: Cloud Bursting
Me too - (Happy Valentine)
The way I had this story patened, and the content I had taken from ...
[4] Barbara Leonie Picard (Happy Valentine)- Introduction to the "All colour book of
Greek Mythology" by Richard Patrick [4a] The Achean and Dorian
... may lead folk to believe that before Genera Zeus there existed a
more pleasant Genera. This I doubt was ever true:
# Abandoning the search for an empowering past – the search for matriarchy – is one step in the right direction. The creation of compensatory myths of the distant past of women will not emancipate women in the present and the future.
# [W]omen's history is the primary tool for women's emancipation.
# Everything that explains the world has in fact explained a world that does not exist, a world in which men are at the center of the human enterprise and women are at the margin "helping" them. Such a world does not exist -- never has.
# We can learn from history how past generations thought and acted, how they responded to the demands of their time and how they solved their problems. We can learn by analogy, not by example, for our circumstances will always be different than theirs were. The main thing history can teach us is that human actions have consequences and that certain choices, once made, cannot be undone. They foreclose the possibility of making other choices and thus they determine future events.
# What we do about history matters. The often repeated saying that those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them has a lot of truth in it. But what are 'the lessons of history'? The very attempt at definition furnishes ground for new conflicts. History is not a recipe book; past events are never replicated in the present in quite the same way. Historical events are infinitely variable and their interpretations are a constantly shifting process. There are no certainties to be found in the past.
Gerda Lerner [ Happy Valentine ]
III. Athena Alive
Genus : Athena
"If the structure of my environment reflected the structure of my
thinking, what information would that give me?" [7]
[7] Penny Tompkins and James Lawley - http://www.devco.demon.co.uk/SRP.html
(Happy Valentine)
... and thus my use of clean language in [BUG] Something is rotten in
the state of Debian ;) - (Happy Valentine Paul, Mako.)
Now, for me, this is where the fun started ... mixing up the atomics of
clean language / special relativity / aristotle / democratus / epicurus
... and observing phenomena / patterns develop. I tried to point the
ones I'd caught on the way ... but this caused further spirals ... and
when I re-read the emails I sense I'd need 3rd order differentials to
make a model ... and maybe a couple more dimensions. Dunno - I still
think this phenomena can be explained without having to resort to heavy
abstraction ... maybe like this:
Life : Love : Information
And I'm going to leave it there for now ... I've said my peace ... any
more could be construed as trolling.
Lifting a story from Wittgenstein, I'm returning to Engineering, because
most of the world has this triple:
Water : Bread : Peace
... and our Pat told me that it is emotion that wins arguments and not
Happy Valentines Mam - Happy Valentines Mrs Darwin - thanks for the push
for life - No parent should have to bury their child from lack of
diamat-urfurled :: unifix v1.0