[ox-en] Re: Do not fork
- From: "auskadi tvcabo.co.mz" <auskadi tvcabo.co.mz>
- Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 13:00:02 +0100
Dear Stefan Meretz, Stefan Merten adn Senor Seaman,
my last word for now .... I am not going to another list to read about
what should happen to this list. I REFUSE TO.
I think it is entireley disrespectful to the list members to be talking
about "US" and "OUR FUTURE" somewhere else.
*Either do it off all lists (that is privately as some of us have done)
or do it here if you cannot do that - don't do it all. The subject is
about this list. It is ludicrous to say ... all those who wish to
discuss this topic please go to Oxenfuture list and oxenfuture list will
report back to oxen about your future. I know I am exxagerating but
can't you see where this is going. Its like back room trade union
organising....Decide what the workers policy should be in the poxy list
and come back and tell us plebs what "we" have decided.*
Or should I now go to nettime, fibreculture, sarai etc etc and and
wherever else and start asking them or even complaining to them about
Nazis on Oekonux En and how nothing is being done about it and how any
discussion occurs not here but on the oxy list etc etc, the attempts to
silence discussion of the subject, eg suspend the list so those
emotional brats can get over thier little problem and come back and be
good and talk about on topic things.....??????
Some of us are loathed to join more lists be they ox chat lists or
anything else.
*Our list is here ...
please post your comments and proposals here..
StefanMn posted a serious reflection what happened, and what can be done
in a responsable way:
Graham made a proposal:
"the riddle which man must solve, he can only solve in being, in
being what he is and not something else...."
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: projekt oekonux.de