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Re: [ox-en] Interview with Peter Lamborn Wilson

On 31 Jul 2004 at 21:10, Robin Green wrote:

Do you think there is some connection between free events like Burning
Man, and mass protests like those against the G8 / IMF / World Bank

If one views all technology and usage of technology as extensions of 
the human mind and body, then it becomes clear that we are no more 
trapped by technology than technology is trapped by us. In other 
words, it's a tight feedback loop which society chooses to be inside 
because it prefers it that way.

Now /why/ it prefers it that way can be blamed on shadowy groups 
behind the scenes if you like, but that's being simplistic. Right 
now, we as a population are still too immature to realise that too 
much material wealth is soul destroying - some is good, indeed it is 
necessary - but too much is just as bad as too little, even if the 
bad consequences aren't are obvious to the untrained eye.

What I do see is that technology, like all technology enables new 
things previously unseen. For example, the atomic bomb enabled the 
end of war in Europe, something unknown for any 50 year period in the 
last few thousand. Many blame omnipresent TV for a whole pile of bad 
things and they're right - but they conveniently forget all the good 
things it also brought. If society didn't like TV, they'd get rid of 
it and they must like it for a reason.

In general, it can be shown that a population over long periods of 
time stops doing bad things for itself. For example, when everyone 
was starving the goal was to be fat - when everyone has too much 
food, suddenly the goal becomes to be thin. Capitalism, like all 
sustainable economic systems, is far more a function of a 
population's cognition than any innate workings of nature and it is 
inevitable that there is money to be made in greasing the wheels of 
that cognitive network. Initially it was writing, then books, then 
printed books, then the postal service, then etc etc etc. The 
internet and mobile phones is merely the latest in that sequence.

You can either accept the inevitability of this and concentrate on 
things you can actually change, or disparage everything new and stick 
your head in the sand. I notice there is an increasing tendency to do 
the latter with age.

"I strongly recommend simply buying a Linux tshirt, telling everyone
how good Linux is and continuing to use Windows. All of the effect
without the danger." -- Daniel Davies

Hmm. Your misquoting of me still litters google searches for my name 
and probably will forever. I would far prefer if you are to quote 
people to also have a link to an archived messages from which you 
took the quote so people aren't made out to look like idiots. OTOH, 
it could be worse, your misquotes of me don't exceed 5% of everything 
mentioning me overall thankfully.


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