[ox-en] Holland Open Software Conference - May 30/31, June 1 2005 Amsterdam (Modified by geert lovink)
- From: Michiel de Lange <mdelange kl.nl>
- Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 16:09:22 +0200
World Class Speakers at Holland Open Software Conference (HOSC), May
30/31 & June 1 2005 - Amsterdam, Holland
This spring the first Holland Open Software Conference will take place.
The organisation has invited some renowned speakers in the fields of
open source, open standards and open content to Amsterdam. The aim of
the conference is to show that professional open solutions are widely
available and that more and more organisations and businesses are
deliberately choosing for open alternatives. Some from a certain vision
and philosophy, others for purely economical reasons. The conference
further aims to offer a platform for knowledge dissipation to those
interested in these subjects.
The conference will have a duration of three days and takes place at
the great hall of the University of Amsterdam and the Oudemanhuispoort.
The conference consists of key note sessions and many parallel sessions
that cover a wide range of topics. Some of these sessions have such
interesting speakers that in fact they could easily make up a
conference of their own! Sessions will be held about business models,
e-learning (with Sakai, Didactor, Moodle, Open University), Social
Inclusion (Madanmohan Rao), Open Geo Information Systems, Patents (with
FFII and Philips), Open Content (with Creative Commons) and
There will also be a discussion panel on Innovation. Participants will
be: a representative of the European Union, members of Parliament;
Martijn van Dam (PvdA – socialists) and Eddy Hijum (CDA – Christian
Democrats) and Arjen Hof (innovation manager of the City of Amsterdam).
Without a doubt, the main eye catchers will be the keynote speakers:
* Scott Handy: Vice President IBM
* James Baty: CTO & Vice President SUN Microsystems
* Frits Huffnagel: Alderman (ICT) City of Amsterdam
* Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales: Founder of Wikipedia, the open Internet
* Stefaan van Hooydonk: AGFA Healthcare Academy
* Erik Josefsson: FFII (Foundation for a Free Information
* Charles D.A. Ruffolo: President RIBS (networKING)
* Dirk-Willem van Gulik: President Apache Software Foundation
* Dr. Madan Mohan Rao: Head research AMIC, Bangalore India
* Jesús Villasante: Directorate-General Information Society of the
European Commission
The Holland Open Software Conference does not serve a commercial
purpose. The first two days there are no sponsored tracks. The
programme committee has made selections on the basis of content and
quality. Whilst the third day sponsors and speakers can get into
detail. Here they can tell whatever they want.
For some keynote speakers, outlines of their stories are available.
More information will soon be pusblished on the website
www.hollandopen.nl. You can already register at the website.
// James Baty (SUN): “The way of the peaceful Nerd!”
Whizzkids, also known by the more derogative term Nerds: are they
innovative, social misfits, geniuses or above all unprofessional? James
Baty will give the perspective of SUN Microsystems. He will talk about
the way SUN integrates innovative, creative 'angry young men' in a
professional business environment, and the problems SUN faces in doing
so. For clarity's sake: SUN cherishes it's nerds...
From this perspective SUN’s CTO and Vice President James Baty will talk
about what 'openness' means to him. He further wonders how you could
mobilize the potential of 1,500,000,000 mobiles telephones with java
when only one on thousand people could actually build applications for
mobile phones and share the software. James Baty will speak on Tuesday,
May 31.
*Who is James Baty?*
Because of his unique achievements, James Baty is the only person in
the world with the title of honour ‘SUN Distinguished Engineer’. Also
in the Netherlands Baty is well known. Already in 1993, during the
first e-commerce conference, he has connected the ISDN network of then
national telecom operator PTT to it's Canadian counterpart. This made
it possible for professor Mintzberg to make video conference calls to
his students in Montreal. This was for the first time in the
James Baty has twenty years of experience in IT business, of which he
spent seven years at MCC in Austin. He has a PhD in Information Systems
at the University of Texas. Without a doubt, he is one of the most
appealing and experienced speakers at the Holland Open Software
// Scott Handy (IBM): Open standards in the world of On Demand Business
New technologies like Grid computing, Virtualisation and of course Deep
Computing (the technology that made chess computer Deep Blue beat
Kasparov) are on the rise. What does a leading corporation like IBM
think about the opportunities these technologies are going to bring us?
What role will open source software play in these developments? Scott
sees the pace of development of Linux and open standards accelerating
and sketches the position of IBM in these developments. How is IBM
going to help customers applying and exploiting these technologies to
keep or acquire a competitive position? And of course: in what ways doe
IBM deploy Linux and open standards for innovation, increased security
and lower costs?
*Who is Scott Handy?*
Real company people still exist, and Scott Handy is the living prove.
He has been working at IBM for more than 20years. He started his career
as a systems engineer and has become Vice President. Scott Handy
specialised in Linux, PC’s, LAN's, communication and complex consumer
projects. He was involved through IBM in the Motorola and Apple
Alliance. Scott Handy will speak on Monday, May 30, in the morning.
// Stefaan van Hooydonk (Agfa): “Learning is Fun!”
Playful learning is hot. Younger generations have been raised with
mobile telephones, internet and computer games. Due to the fact that
learning will always be faster when one enjoys doing it, a transition
needs to be made rapidly from linear knowledge transfer to interactive
learning. Educational (“serious”) games, mobile learning, and Internet
learning are topics Stefaan will introduce to us. He comes up with
practical ideas and examples about the way edu-gaming is used in
training programmes of innovative companies. With nine years of
experience in the front-line of e-Learning, Stefaan van Hooydonk is the
right man to talk about trends and development in this field. Open
standards are a 'must' to him, as he sees open source software as “the
*Who is Stefaan van Hooydonk?*
Stefaan van Hooydonk is head of Agfa Healthcare Academy and specialises
in e-Learning, Management Development and Executive Education. He used
to be responsible for these last two areas at the University of Vlerick
Leuven/Gent in Belgium. Van Hooydonk has 15 years of international
experience. He was responsible for executive education at the China
Europe International Business School in China and used to be head of
Nokia’s corporate University there. Afterwards, he worked a few years
at Nokia headquarters in Finland as director e-learning worldwide.
Stefaan will address the public Monday morning, May 30, and will chair
a parallel session on e-learning in the afternoon.
// Erik Josefsson (FFII): “European Commission wrong in validating
software patents”
After the European Commission came up with a new guideline for software
patents in 2002, it provoked one of the fiercest discussions in the
history of the EU. In the beginning, the protests primarily came from
open source communities and academics. Soon however, the SME
(small/medium enterprises), labour unions and consumer organisations
followed. With the recurrence of incomprehensible and sometimes absurd
law suits in the USA, even some bigger companies have shared the ranks
of those opposing “trivial patents”. According to Erik Josefsson (head
of communication of the FFII - Foundation for a Free Information
Infrastructure) it is clear that another approach is needed. One should
look closer at how innovation in the information age works. The pillars
of the software world should be called: cheap, fast and safe. Software
patents, when trivial, frustrate a healthy market. Erik Josefsson
speaks on Monday, May 30, in the morning. Following his key note, a
parallel session will take place with a key representative from Philips
and Johanna Boogerd (former member of the EU Parliament and member of
Dutch liberal party D66 – to be confirmed) who will give her opinion on
the way the European Commission has – in her eyes – downplayed the
*Who is Erik Josefsson?
Since 2004 Swedish born Josefsson has been taking care of FFII's
communication. Josefsson is also closely linked to FFII in Sweden.
Before he moved to the political capital of Europe, Josefsson worked
for the Danish-Swedish SSLUG (Skåne Sjælland Linux User Group). Since
2001 Josefsson has been contributing to the discussions about a
guideline for software patents.
The coming weeks, more information will be released on the other key
note speakers. These are:
// Charles D.A. Ruffolo (Tuesday, May 31 & Wednesday, June 1). Charles
Ruffolo is President of RIBS *(Ruffolo International Business
Services)* Networking. Ruffolo turns networking into an art and is
justifiably called the NetworKING.
// Frits Huffnagel (Monday, May 30). Frits Huffnagel is Alderman ICT in
Amsterdam. He will welcome guests and participants to the conference.
// Dirk-Willem van Gulik (Tuesday, May 31). Dirk-Willem van Gulik is
President of the Apache Software Foundation, known from the Apache web
server, Tomcat, etc. Dirk-Willem is also Senior Partner at the Tribal
Knowledge Group.
// Jimmy ‘Jimbo’ Wales (Tuesday, May 31; Wednesday June 1). Jimbo is
the founder of Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia, and also director
of the Wikimedia Foundation. At the conference, he will announce a
noteworthy alliance between the Dutch field of education and Wikipedia.
// Dr. Madanmohan Rao (Monday, May 30). Madanmohan Rao is a consultant,
writer, and head research at the AMIC, the Asian Media Information and
Communication Centre, from the much discussed Bangalore in India. He
is also the author of three books on the information society.
// Jesús Villasante (Monday, May 30). Jesús Villasante works for the
European Commission. He is the head of the section Software Technology,
at the Directorate General ‘Information Society’.
More information on the speakers, the programme, and the conference
location can be found at www.hollandopen.nl. For members of the press,
tickets for the conference will be available after registration via
info hollandopen.nl. For more information, please contact Holland Open:
+ 31 35-6838770, Jochem van Ooyik (+31 6 14940599), or Jo Lahaye (+31 6
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de