I suggest to use a social bookmarking system like http://del.icio.us to
share and collect links which are interesting in the oekonux context,
which is much easier to use compared to a wiki for this purpose.
We could try to get used to use one of the available services (see
http://www.emacswiki.org/cw/SocialBookmarking for an introduction and a
list of services) and tag anything interesting with "oekonux" and other
In addition i would like to find people which collect links to building
instructions, schematics etc for free hardware, free introductory
articles to self-acquire skills, self empowerment etc ...
For this purpose i bought the addresses dopedia.org/de/net
If there is enough interest, i could operate a mediawiki (english and
german, gpl) on these addresses, to collect information how to "do
things". For example: the information how to solder something (found
somewhere beneath http://ronja.twibright.com/) are interesting in a
broader context. Hopefulle we will earn some synergy in the long term ...
I have started to use del.icio.us for dopedia and coforum. Try for
exampe http://del.icio.us/ThomasKalka/coforum to get a feeling of the
I am greatfull for forwarding this message to interested people.
--Thomas Kalka
Web-Site: http://www.oekonux.org/
Organization: http://www.oekonux.de/projekt/
Contact: projekt oekonux.de