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[Converted from multipart/alternative] [1 text/plain] Karel On 05/11/05, Karel Kulhavy <clock> wrote:
What is a free software community? Is it a community of users, developers, or both? What would the cooperatives of producers produce?
well as I read RMS he says that the free software community is one of users constituted by a "legal" document and it is not a community concerned with production. Surely any critical approach needs to start its consideration from it as a form of production and proceed from that material basis, From there one can start to think about how fs is valorised without being burdened by the narrow view of the FSF. RE the question as to whether is is a community of users or producers - you can't brake up many contemporary forms of production into users and producers/authors as you once possibly could. Production has to been seen as a circuit of dialogue I think in this respect. Martin [2 text/html] _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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