Hi list!
3 months (105 days) ago OII Events wrote:
> Please may we bring to your attention the following forthcoming event:
> - Reconsidering "Open Source Politics"
> Speakers: Matthew Hindman, Assistant Professor, Political Science
> Department, Arizona State University
> Date: 08 Feb 2006, 15:30 - 17:00
> Location: Oxford Internet Institute, 1 St Giles, Oxford, OX1 3JS
> Attendance: This event is open to the public, if you would like to
> attend
> please email your name and affiliation to events oii.ox.ac.uk
Did anyone attend this talk? How was it?
> Abstract:
> Over the past few years, many political elites and popular observers
> have
> suggested that America is undergoing a shift towards "open source
> politics."
> The Howard Dean presidential campaign, the rise of political blogging,
> and
> online groups like Moveon.org have all been cited as evidence that
> collaborative techniques first seen in open source software have taken
> root
> in American politics. This talk argues that novel forms of
> community-based
> production are indeed becoming an important part of the political
> landscape,
> but that there are also other--and less flattering--parallels been open
> source software development and nascent forms of open source politics. I
> discuss the importance of traditional players in online organizing,
> winners-take-all patterns between and within political groups, and the
> key
> organizational role played by social elites.
Mit Freien Grüßen
- --
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