Re: [ox-en] Re: Free Software is not a gift
- From: Christian Siefkes <christian>
- Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2006 15:13:11 +0100
Hi Gregers, Stefan, all,
Stefan Merten wrote:
3 weeks (23 days) ago Gregers Petersen wrote:
I will actually be talking on this subject at 23c3 (on the 27.12) in
Berlin - if anybody feel interested then I would be happy to respond
further :)
Though I always love to meet Oekonuxis in person I'm sorry but this
years my plans are different :-/ . May be other Oekonuxis are at 23C3?
I'll try to attend. In fact, I had already mentioned your talk in the
(German-language) Keimform blog: :-)
Best regards
|----------- Christian Siefkes -------------------------------------------
| Email: christian | Web:
| Graduate School in Distributed IS:
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