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Re: [ox-en] Information goods as genuine societal goods

On 2008-03-24 05:32, Michel Bauwens wrote:
So where exactly is the change in your own assessment?

The main change is, that I previously argued, that proprietary software 
is a thing of value and free software is not. Now, I would say, that 
both are free of value. Thus, today I agree with the following cite, 
which I didn't in 2003:

   Just because proprietary software has no value, does not mean it has
   no effect on profits. The sale of proprietary software is a means for
   transferring surplus value between sectors: in particular from the
   developing world to the US, but also from the 'old' to the 'new'
   economy within the US/Europe. It lowers profits in the old sector and
   in the developing world. FS blocks this transfer.

Author was Graham:
when the oekonux debate was done mainly in german.

The main argument for is mentioned in the headline: Information goods 
are genuine societal goods, even when they are produced in a closed 
proprietary way.

However, one should see, that I am in a minor position within the (more 
or less) marxian discourse, even in keimform, but it is not necessary 
to treat it as a religious point.


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