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[1 <text/plain; ISO-8859-1 (7bit)>]This is surely wrong, it conflates one historically specific form of cost -- money cost -- with cost in general. As Adam Smith points out, it always costs effort to obtain things, whatever the social form.
Franz Nahrada wrote:
Patrick writes: >If you are stranded, alone on an island, price equals cost, right? since there is no money and no monetary exchange, there is neither price nor cost. > > >What if one of your friends is there with you? > We can decide to share our production and its benefits or we can decide to establish a market ;-) Franz _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
[2 wpc.vcf <text/x-vcard; utf-8 (7bit)>] _________________________________ Web-Site: Organization: Contact: projekt
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