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Re: [ox-en] remarks on posting styles

Michel Bauwens a écrit :
I unsubscribed twice, but are still getting these mails, maybe it's a sign

YES, I hope it is a sign and that you will reconsider your decision! My feeling is that you took the decision to unsubscribe too impulsively.
You wrote:
"but on reflection, I do want hassle-free
emails and keep the freedom the use my sigfile".

Is that really a reason? As an entertainer of clean mailing lists you can certainly understand the spirit of the two Stefans's "remarks on posting styles".

You relate your unsubscription to the Samuel Rose's one: the 'object' of your mail was "unsubscribing AS WELL".
Samuel wrote to Stefan Meretz: "you've done a great job of offending me".
Is your decision related to that?
Stefan Mz may sometimes be somewhat blunt or abrupt in his arguments, but I don't think he intended to offend any one and I do not understand neither Sam's decision.

You talk in your mail of the "quality of dialogue found here", in Oekonux. I think that you have been an important contributor to that "quality" and that it would really be a shame, a waste, if you do not reconsider your decision.



Contact: projekt

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