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The real problem, was Re(2): [ox-en] Review of peerconomy book

Thank you Christian for your excellent reply - 
though I go along with Stefan  intuitively and say
if there is a better solution than scarcity and again to fight
about the neccesary we must truly do everything possible
 to achieve it.

list-en writes:
The problem in capitalism is that production only takes place
if there is_profit._ 
The goal of all capitalist production is to make profit, i.e. to
turn money into more money. 
So, in order to get the things you need, you cannot just 
"work a little"--no, you have to convince some capitalist that
they need you, i.e. that employing you allows them to make 
more profit than they would make otherwise. 
Your mere willingness to work is entirely unimportant--you 
must be useful for some capitalist, too. But capitalists only 
need a limited number of personnel, much less than there
are people on Earth, so that's the big hurdle which most 
people fail to overcome (when speaking on a global scale).

I think the real problem for our movement is not the outline
of a perfect future society. We have some principles, we have even 
some competing models, we know what we seek to organize.

The real problem is that capitalist mode of production is 
aggressively destrying and undermining *ANY* effort to 
organize economic relations in different ways. 

In looking for ways to achieve capital growth, this 
society and its powerful political "agents" (not as persons,
but as structural entity "state") are looking at each and any
considerable resource as a means of capital growth.

Just as the British did in India, the very destruction of 
the ability to self-produce is a vital condition for the 
establishment of "marketisation". 

This holds true even though, in a crazy historical dialectic,
Capitalism was succesful with delivering "prosumer goods".
(which means that some means of production were miniaturized
and sold massively, meeting mass demands)

If you look at todays prosumer goods, you will see that they
do not contain the full potential needed for intermediate 

The real problem is therefore that we are far away from 
even having reached the scale and the ability of productive
agreements between different sectors in society to test
p2p at work.

But for the first time in history, we might have reached the point
of organizing around the political demand to protect spheres
of self-production based on modern technologies within the
capitalist globe.

Thats much more our problem, but thats also the way we have
to go. Forget about revolution of the society as long as people
do not want it. But put all your power into the creation of 
conditions of giving an example - by the few who want it.


Contact: projekt

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