[ox-en] Re: On-topic and off-topic
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan meretz.de>
- Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 14:59:52 +0200
On 2009-05-12 14:30, Christian Siefkes wrote:
So if somebody aims to just transform the old (a different kind of
market, of money, or of state) that would be off-topic for us.
...which does not mean, that we don't discuss money-modification schemes,
but mainly from a critical perspective. The corresponding tag is "money-
logic" (geldlogik) and not simply "money":
This indicates that "money" is not simply a means, but represents a
logic behind it which is the logic of exchanged commodities.
While it is quite clear, that a new society can not base on exchange
(capitalist markets etc.), this does not mean, that there might be some
coupling of giving and taking (as Christian explained some mails ago).
This is one point, where keimform authors have different opinions about.
Anyway, in a mailinglist the situation is quite different. While in a
blog like keimform you won't let all people write articles what they
want. Articles are moderated (comments are not), in a mailinglist there
is no difference between articles and comments. Thus nobody can really
direct the members. Based on this, I can live very well with a
maintainer like StefanMn, who makes it very clear what he finds useful
for the list and what useless. Although this sometimes reads harsh, I
would not take it personally (if my position is under attack, which
happened in the german list), but simply as a strong statement.
People are different and maintainers too :-)
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