Charles Collis * The next phase of civilisation: Post-scarcity through Open-source design and Advanced automation (was: [ox-en] Conference documentation)
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
- Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 20:26:21 +0200
Hi list!
And here is the presentation of Charles Collis - IMHO one of the
highlights of the conference...
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The next phase of civilisation: Post-scarcity through Open-source design and Advanced automation
Oekonux 4, March 2009
Charles Collis
Post-scarcity through Open-source design and advanced automation
This talk is distilled from my attempts at some holistic thinking over
the last few years.
Going back to first principles and trying to understand the limits of
what is possible employing current technological knowledge and the
open-source development model applied to the physical world.
Aimed to be food for thought...
* Open-source design
* Design tool-chain
* From virtual designs to physical objects
* Advanced Automation
* Self-maintenance, repair
* Automated infrastructure
* Fundamental resources
* Material
* Energy
* Information
* Intelligence
* Post-scarcity
Open-source design
* Applying principles from the FOSS movement that provides a powerful
new way to design physical objects, machines and systems.
* Nascent field with huge potential to radically alter the way we
create goods, machines and systems
* Not only for personal or community items but all the way up to
components of national or global infrastructure
* Potential to supercede limitations of commercial forms of production
Requirements for widespread adoption of O.S. design:
* User-friendly CAD - lower barrier to entry - not just for geeks
* Collaborative functions
* Easily accessible commons of objects and components
* Analysis and simulation
* Easy interface to CAM, both local and remote
* Doesn't currently exist, but likely to emerge soon
Also easy physical replication...
Virtual designs into physical objects
* Virtual designs need to be brought to life as physical objects.
Expensive and slow compared to compiling or downloading software
* However atoms are starting to catch up with bits in terms of ease of
* Ever increasing (and evolving) array of computer-controlled
fabrication techniques, both small and large scale
[see slide 6, 7]
Some options for fabricating virtual designs:
(current and future)
* Get your hands dirty and craft it yourself or in a group
* or use someone else's hands - e.g. local engineering firm
* Personal fabricators (additive fab., CNC, sheet material cutters)
* Use of local FabLab (commercial facilities emerging too)
* Mail-order fabricators (e.g. eMachineShop)
* Contract manufacturing (bulk order with others)
* Automated construction - (Contour Crafting)
* Products of fully automated economy
Advanced automation
* Proper automation
- no humans required in the loop for normal operations
* Self-maintaining and repairing
- modular components replaceable by machine. Parts containing tiny
embedded sensors for failure diagnosis. (Super-advanced AI not
required to run these systems)
* Developed and controlled by people, using open-source design
* Ultimately scalable
* Enable entirely new things not previously feasible
[see slide 8]
Automated infrastructure
General trend seems to be towards distributed solutions, but
industrial systems likely to remain to some degree.
Apply advanced automation to:
* Mining
* Material processing
* Large scale energy generation
* Transport systems
* Agriculture
* Environmental engineering
* Certain ultra-sophisticated manufacturing and operations (e.g. jet
* Certain safety critical operations
* Large scale robotic fabrication - buildings, ships, rail etc
Fundamental resources
So what have we got to work with?
Mankind's fundamental resources are:
* Energy
* Material
* Information
* Intelligence
What we are able to create / do depends only on these things
Present systems of civilisation suffer from unnecessary layers of
complexity (for historical reasons) which only add friction,
inefficiency and informational 'noise' - only helping to obscure the
big picture, and restrict what is actually possible.
1. Energy
The energy available from solar and geothermal alone far exceed our
current energy requirements and could sustain humanity indefinitely.
Steadily increasing energy efficiency due to improved system design
should become a significant factor in our energy usage.
2. Material
Air, water and the twenty most abundant elements in the Earth's crust
provide almost all the material needed to create the multitude of
machines and goods that mankind requires:
* Food, medicine, houses, vehicles, robots, industrial machinery,
computers, consumer goods etc.
*Ephemeralization* - doing more with less
Design for recycling
(design for refurbishment?)
* List of most abundant elements
(land, sea and air)
3. Intelligence
Human intelligence
* In short supply?
No, just not using it effectively
* Education becoming more pervasive
* Increasing numbers of brains
* Proposed adv. automation freeing up more people to work on
significant problems
Machine intelligence
Increasing exponentially due to:
* Increasing processing speeds
* CPU numbers increasing
* Algorithms and programming techniques constantly improving
4. Information
* Generally not in short supply any more. Amount of critical
information being held artificially scarce is dwindling too
* The issue is letting the good information rise to the top to be
easily accessed (by both humans and automated systems)
* Information has been first obvious thing to transcend limits of
* What do I mean by scarcity? Significant scarcity. All needs (and
most of wants).
* I don't see a free-rider issue, when goods become as easy to
duplicate as information
* Advanced nanotech not required
* Transition period - how will emerge and how society copes
* Conventional economics founded on notion of scarcity
* This can all be done with technology and know-how we have today
* Coming from two directions (commercial competition and open-source
* Abundance Journal
charles collis gmail com
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