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[ox-en] Impressions from Virt3C in Hull

Hi list!

I'd like to share some impressions from the Virt3C_ conference in Hull
one week ago. I'm sorry to not give a full-featured report from the
conference but I hope the impressions give you an idea.

.. _Virt3C:

It was a small conference (~35 participants) but it was quite good.
I'd also like to take the opportunity to thank Athina again for
organizing this event and guiding us through the conference so well.

What I found most interesting was a talk from Simon Lindgren from
Sweden who presented a research around the Pirate Bay stuff. The
interesting thing was that people created new subtitles for the pirate
copied films there. This was an interesting example of peer production
on top of pirate culture. This is quite rare.

Also the talk of Johan about the Swedish Pirate movement was very
intersting and gave very interesting insights. I'd love to have
something about this topic here on the list.

Another very interesting talk was given by Gabriella Coleman who is
really the Debian historian. She did a lot of field research in
Debian and because I'm more on the theoretical side of things I'm
always keen to hear whether reality matches theory. And it does :-) .

Geert Lovink also gave a talk in which he demanded some payment for
artists producing Free Culture. I think there is also a paper around
this topic somewhere on the net I'm just checking out. I'll send it
here for discussion.

Another talk from Thomas Rawlings was about comparing peer production
with evolution. I always have deep concerns when nature and culture
are compared but admittedly Thomas made a couple of interesting

I got a couple of very positive feedback on my talk. The final slide
set which is massively shortened from the version I sent here is
available at

Of course one of the most pleasant things was that it was a nice
opportunity to meet old friends again and meet some new poeple. I also
took a couple of notes about possible speakers for a possible next
Oekonux conference.



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