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Re: [ox-en] Centralized peer production

Stefan Merten wrote:
The example [of centralized production]
I'm usually using is that of the Linux kernel.

Stefan Meretz wrote:
To me the linux kernel is an example for a
_decentralized_ peer production

You are both correct.

This confusion arises when we don't differentiate between the Type of
a thing and one specific Instance (or copy) of that thing.

The Linux 'mainline' Instance is very clearly under the central
authority of the self-declared benevolent dictator Linus Torvalds.

But every other copy is decentralized because the software is
protected by the GNU GPL which requires anyone receiving that instance
has access to the Virtual Sources needed for modification.

It seems to boil do to matter of Trademark (of all things) - since you
are not allowed to distribute a modified copy under the name "Linux",
but can otherwise adjust and distribute copies in any way so long as
you have access to the Physical Sources needed to 'host' that copy.
Contact: projekt

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