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Re: [ox-en] Report from COM'ON workshop: Dam builders and ship builders

Yes, this is true, but the difference comes from viewpoint. For someone who works mostly with software, the abudance seems normal order of things. And for someone who works with resources and basic production, abudance seems like something that would perhaps be possible with major political and economic rearrangements in society.

The differences between Peer Producers and old Left appear from their different locations in the production system. But truly new society is possible only when the total reality of production and culture is considered and therefore it seems to me, that new and old ideologies must merge into a new coherent ideological system for the 21st century.


On 17.12.2011 00:41, Patrick Anderson wrote:
"physical" requires land and energy
"virtual" doesn't require such things.

This is true for virtual things as concepts,
but not for any *instance* of such things.

Every virtual thing requires the physical
to host and express that virtual concept.

For example, a computer program can
exist conceptually, as an idea that may
eventually be discovered - without any
amount of land or energy.

But when someone dreams of that idea,
and when they try to show others, they
will need to use their hands or voices to
enter that idea into a physical computer.

That computer will need land on which
it will sit, and energy which it will use to
host and express that concept.

If we do not admit the physical basis of
the virtual realm, we will never be able to
host computing for our own benefit, but
will instead continue to rely upon Google,
Amazon, the ISPs, etc. to own those
Means of Production while they continue
to use them against us.

See also:

Patrick Anderson
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