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Re: Layout (was: Re: [jox-tech] Re: Site structure)

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Hi Stefan, all


I played around a bit with the colors in the current theme. 
Well, I'm
really not a designer but my attempts to shift the green to red made
me sick ;-( .

So I would advocate having a different layout than the current 
layout (black title band with a green toolbar sub-band) which is 
used in the other ox sites.

Sounds good.

IMHO the best would be to install another theme.

I had a look around and found some websites that use Plone. 

The FSF:

A more commercial scientific magazine:

Thanks for this. I took this and went back to

By this URL you get all theme releases for Plone 3. You may choose
From those.

My impression is that you prefer a two-column layout. Well, I think
two columns are enough for the journal. It's not too much which should
go into sidebars and the space is better used for the text.

I checked through the themes behind the link mentioned above. These
looked to me as if they could match your wishes more or less.

I just installed the starred one. Please check the site with the new
theme. May be it gives you an idea what can be changed by a theme.
However, I'm not sure how some things are tweaked in this theme -
particular the red star needs to be eliminated ;-) . Also it 
seems to
be of a lower quality than the old one (Heddex Tranquility).

Yes, I think we need something simpler and cleaner. Of the ones above I think mimbo is the best, if we can change the titles-link color to red and get rid of the first column? 
We can set the logo aside for now, come back to it later if we want.

For the title could we try having in very large:

"cspp" (not in caps)

and underneath it in very tiny:

"critical studies in peer production aims to..."


I have been thinking maybe I should do a mock-up of a what I envision and send it over so we can have a common reference point?

There is also

which is a highly configurable theme. Check out

and play around.

OK, I had a look, kind of of overwhelming. If we can tweak a skin might be easier. I will have another look though, might be better to start from scratch?

I'll get back to the rest of your post soon.

OK, great.



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