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Re: [jox-tech] article titles

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Hi Stefan

If you take the time to put your special glasses down (or whatever it is that stops you from seeing what people actually write) I wrote last week that - for example - implementing a website-based submission method was a very worthwhile idea. What I strongly objected to was dealing with this through endless debate _right now_ at the expense of content production: so I suggested a "time out" and setting up a page on the site where solutions could be laid out for future reference. I don't know why I'm bothering...

----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Monday, February 7, 2011 11:16 pm
Subject: Re: [jox-tech] article titles
To: journal-tech

Hi Mathieu!

1 hours ago Mathieu ONeil wrote:
Sorry about the hassle,

And please remember: According to you the *ONLY* important thing 
is to
put these papers on some website - which AFAICS is the case. According
to you anything else *DOES NOT* count...



Dr Mathieu O'Neil
Adjunct Research Fellow
Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute
College of Arts and Social Science
The Australian National University
email: mathieu.oneil[at]

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