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[jox-tech] article titles

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Hi Stefan, all

I put some papers up and just enabled comments, see how we go.

Having paper titles up made me realise that all titles are in all not-caps. I know I requested this for category titles but if we cannot separate article titles from category titles then I think we need to enable caps, as article titles look weird without caps. I looked around on the control panels but could not find anything, plus I think you have to intervene at a higher level maybe... zope?

So if you could please let me know how to address this or fix it yourself it would be appreciated.
Sorry about the hassle,


----- Original Message -----
From: Stefan Merten <smerten>
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011 4:53 pm
Subject: Account management (was: Re: [jox-tech] Fwd: Re: Review for CSPP)
To: journal-tech

Hi all!

Just sent the following privately but I don't know why...

Hi Felix!

Yesterday Mathieu ONeil wrote:
I have no clue about the following request, could you please 
either let me know what to do (providing I have the rights) or 
else help out Felix directly?

@Mathieu: You can do what I just did: 

1. Login
2. Goto "Site Setup" or
3. Select "Users and groups"
4. Check the list of users
5. If the user exists - like in this case - hit the checkbox "Reset
6. Push "Apply changes"

This is also the place to add new users. *Please* keep the 
system of
login names to have the family name in full preceded by a single
character abbreviation for the first name. If you create new users
take care to give them the "Member" and the "Reviewer" role. The
latter makes the pages under "Scientific commitee" visible.

----- Original Message -----
From: Felix Stalder <felix>
Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011 4:39 pm

I just realized either don't have an account, or lost all 
traces of it.

You probably lost all traces.

Either way, could you create/reset the account?

You should have received a new password by email.

There seems to be no option on the page itself to do it myself.

At the moment not.



Dr Mathieu O'Neil
Adjunct Research Fellow
Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute
College of Arts and Social Science
The Australian National University
email: mathieu.oneil[at]

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